which shoe is best for plantar fasciitis
A plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue on the bottom of your foot. Located just below the ball of your foot, it helps to support your arch and heel. Not too long ago this most likely would not have been a concern for many people as it is simply something that was common and you wouldn't think about it every day. However, over the last few years there has been an increase in popularity with plantar fasciitis which is defined as "suffering from pain on the sole or undersurface of one or both feet while standing or walking".
Image source: https://www.istockphoto.com/
Plantar Fasciitis can result from intense physical activity such as running, jumping, walking fast, playing sports regularly etc.
I know many people who have been affected by this condition and a lot of them have turned to the use of different shoes. Most people start this search because they have heard that certain shoes will be great for plantar fasciitis. For example, they may hear from a friend or family member that certain shoes are good for plantar fasciitis. They then find their way to some shoe store where the person behind the counter recommends buying those shoes for their foot pain or "they just seem to fit better". Some may look at the price of these types of shoes and think it's not worth paying more money for something that "just fits". So off they go to another store perhaps with different sales persons. This process of selecting shoes may take many days of searching and persistence before they perhaps find something that "fits" instead of their plantar fasciitistheir foot.
Sometimes this search for the right shoe for plantar fasciitis can be frustrating. The reason is because there are many different types of shoes available at different prices and so it can be difficult to find a shoe that actually fits your foot properly. However, it is possible to find the perfect pair – the ones that are best for you.
Here's my recommendation: Find out what type of activities you do on a daily basis and then find out what type of shoe fits best for that activity.
Image source: https://www.converse.com/
For example, if you only do walking and you want to find a great pair of shoes for plantar fasciitis, then avoid the running section of the shoe store. Instead, go for the "comfort" section. The reason for this is because these shoes are designed to fit the foot much better and in some cases are designed specifically for foot pain. If you need to do more than just walking then look at other sections of shoes in the store such as the running or basketball section. There are many different brands and models that may be helpful but again make sure the shoe fits your foot properly otherwise you may end up with another problem – blisters on your feet.
This is why I recommend finding the best shoe for plantar fasciitis for you based on what you do every day. Then make sure that it fits your foot properly.
The author, Dave Johnson writes articles on different health issues including articles on conditions such as: heel pain, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and others. He offers some advice to help others in their search for the right shoes for plantar fasciitis by suggesting that they first consider what they do every day and then find a pair of shoes well suited to their needs.
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